You can now access and get updates from your friends who have passed the 5000 facebook limit. And not from the fan page or limited access. No! Google+ and twitter has been making facebook think alot and they came up with a subscribe button that allows one to get updates from a facebook profile you have subscribed. The updates will be seen on your timeline.
How to do this:
If you want to have friends subscribe to your updates you have an option on the left below the profile photo, there is an added link for “Subscribe” that allows you to activate the subscriptions for your friends to access the feature. You have to make your wall posts public in the account settings for this to work.
Users who then want to subscribe to your feeds will then see a button on the top right, and they select what they want to follow from you, be it status updates, game notifications, events and others. Now lets see how this will impact the use of fanpages, which have had a slumped growth since facebook minimized explicit friend suggestions to fanpages.
The subscribe button now comes to work like the follow button of twitter and google circles where you dont have to get permission from the person to follow them, as long as they have enabled the feature.