Firefox has updated the browser to Firefox 8. This release is geared towards making users and developers have more ability to customize it. The update covers Firefox for Windows, mac, Linux and Android.
Firefox for the destops(Windows, Mac and Linux) has an inclusion of twitter search among the dropdown options. This makes it easy to search for topics, hashtags and twitter usernames on twitter, available in English, Portuguese, Slovenian and Japanese firefox versions. The rest should be available in future releases.
Firefox 8 will come disabled of any third party software by default so users can pic addons they really want as opposed to addons that self-install even without user knowledge. This must be the security fix @michaelverdi of Mozilla was talking about in a discussion we had earlier. He added that its a necessary update.
Some more bits from the Mozilla blog
Mozilla pioneered WebGL and introduced it in Firefox earlier this year. WebGL is a new Web standard that allows websites and Web apps to display hardware-accelerated 3D graphics without third-party software. Firefox adds support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which lets developers load WebGL textures from other domains in a secure way. To see an example of WebGL in action, visit Google MapsGL and experience 3D maps in Firefox.
Mozilla is a leader in HTML5 and we want to make it easier for developers to create amazing Web experiences. Using simple HTML5 markup, Firefox enables Web developers to customize the options users have in the right click menu and saves them from having to build their own menu. If you’re a Web developer and want to learn more about the awesome features we build into Firefox, just for you, click here.
Firefox for Android on the other hand allows users to have more control of their mobile experience. I dont know I dont remember downloading it but I will now. The syncing with the desktop browser is a plus. So there is something else added, a Firefox master password to protect those valued passwords on your android device. HTML5 based web apps can now be used as native apps easily, and lastly you will be able to add bookmarks off the browser to the homescreen. Get the update.