Orange Kenya have a new bundle priced at Kshs. 10 that runs for 24 hours for Orange network subscribers. The bundle offers free calls and smses for on-net calls within Orange, 20 free off-net smses and free 10MB data on your mobile phone. The new bundle is targeted to the youthful user who spends time on facebook.
Facebookers on this bundle will get free access to the social network. Starting today March 15th, Orange subscribers will be able to subscribe to Holla bundle and this will run for the next 45 days.
“This proposition will allow the Orange customer to see the benefit of using their phone on a daily basis,”
says Ghossein.
“Our unique offers have continuously set us apart from the competition, with our continuous network
upgrades and increased level of customer focus, we are confident that we will continue growing our
subscriber base this year,” said Ghossein.
To subscribe to the daily offering, subscribers will require to dial *10#