Nailab, a Nairobi based tech startups incubator is on it’s third round of startups incubation. The lot came in today after weeks that involved a rigorous process that involved vetting the startups that applied for incubation.
The third group of 5 startups joins in today and involves an interesting mix.
Soko text is a startup that is focused on one very important element in life, Food security. They also want to encourage nutritition and saving culture among low income earners.
Find A Home on the other hand is a property site that wants to link property seekers with the properties using geolocation. We can say these ones are quite futuristic in that many services make much more sense when you get results that matter to you based on your location.
Gemmyz Solutions is a startup that assists contractors assess permits in a county, a quite handy management system that ensures all this information is available at one place. Services to the people.
Bookshelf is a startup geared to providing access of reading material for the low income earners. Essentially allowing people sell or share their old books using the portal. Physical books.
iContent Systems is the most interesting of them. The startup aims to bring to use wearable technology closer to you. Previously wearable technology has been a high end technology and for early adopters. If what they have on target is anything to go by, they will be everywhere around you. Things like apparels used by bicycle taxi cyslists (known as bodaboda in Kenya) to increase visibility at night. If you are averse with the news in Kenya, this is one of the very high risk groups with a lot of accidents attributed to them.
The average reflector worn as a jacket is just that, a reflector, these ones actually glow. Wearable tech saving lives, huh?
Sam Gichuru, Nailab CEO is proud to welcome the third cohort of startups. “It’s interesting to see that we have a good mix including a hardware start up. We look forward to the next 6 months working together and encourage potential investors to come and see what the entrepreneurs have to offer,” said Sam. Mr Gichuru added that Nailab will be calling out for a demo day at the end of the season to showcase the products.