If you are a Windows device user and keen on matters gaming then you know that the popular racing game Asphalt 8: Airborne is finally available for free for your modern UI-powered device of choice. You only need to check your respective app store to install and game away.
Asphalt 8 came to Windows Phone last November and was soon available across the Windows platform. However it retained that traditional pricing. This was also the case for the app on Android and iOS where it was at first a paid app but then the price was dropped to make it available for free. Make no mistake though, Asphalt 8 is still very pricey. There are tonnes of in-app purchases to be made. Coins and more coins. Gameloft played us on that one but hey, everyone’s doing it.
The game still lacks Xbox Live support but the idea of it being available on your Windows or Windows Phone device for free is good enough to excite everyone. You can get it here from your Windows machine or here from your Windows Phone device.