The Galaxy S4 opened the floodgates of Samsung devices with an IR blaster. Yes we’d seen such devices from Samsung before in the form of tablets like the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, but we had never seen Samsung introduce the IR blaster and an accompanying TV remote application to its flagship smartphones. From the Galaxy S4 onward this became a must have feature. To accompany it was the handy WatchON application that stood out in a sea of the many features that Samsung bundles with its devices. For those of us who’ve actually used WatchON, once you get hooked you can’t stop using it. The application got a much-needed refresh in the user interface. However, up until two days ago, that updated application named WatchON Plus, was only accessible to users of the Samsung Galaxy S5 where it debuted. Now it is coming to everyone using a Galaxy S4 or a Galaxy Note 3, Samsung’s yesteryear flagship smartphones.
Other than the overhaul in the UI and other under the hood improvements, functionality remains the same and you’ll still be able to easily flip through your favourite channles from your phone on your smart TV or other compatible TV sets. Additionally, it offers a quick access to on-demand and free to-stream web content and it even works with the Gear smartwatch (S).
The application is available for download on the Play Store so if you’re like yours truly and own either the Galaxy Note 3 or the Galaxy S4 and can’t wait to watch Gang Related or Tyrant when you get home in the evening, you better be grabbing that update right away. Still, is there a better way to troll your friends as they watch the English Premier League over the weekend than just flipping through channels just as the match is getting intense and your team is losing?