Most of us have grown used to Swiftkey keyboard’s highly reliable and awesome predictive engine. It is now not just a preserve of Android device users but iOS as well. It even predicts emojis and has, starting last year, made numerous shifts like a freemium model where users get the keyboard on their respective app stores for free but pay to access various themes. Some more features have also been added. Like that much-requested number row. Not to be satisfied with just that, the people behind SwiftKey keyboard are now introducing a new take on the mobile keyboard, Clarity.
Clarity is just your ordinary keyboard. Until you look at what it does and what its makers want it to do: to let you focus on your writing and not worry about auto-correct getting in your way or the wrong predictions being keyed in automatically. A part of its Swiftkey Greenhouse experimental programs, Clarity is in beta and can be downloaded directly from the Play Store.
Clarity will check the last few words in a sentence you’ve typed and put them into context detecting any mismatches and rectifying the mistakes without you having to do a thing. Should need for corrections arise, a simple backspace should return some order. Like its sibling, it also learns from you as you type so it’s bound to have better predictions the more you use it.
Since Clarity is in beta, it may have bugs here and there and may not work as desired. We could not get it to work on our Samsung devices running Lollipop. We’ll wait to see what Swiftkey does with it. Whether it’ll finally get out of beta and become a competing product to the current keyboard serving different needs or some engineers at Swiftkey just want to learn more from their users and may at some point pull the trigger on the project.