A number of events have happened in the local tech scene this last six months and as usual we documented the ones we felt were interesting to our readers. This post serves as a reminder of those we feel were really good and you might find a jewel you missed here-in. See below the notable ones you shouldn’t have missed.
NMG, SG and RMG to sell set-top boxes
During this time, the issue of digital migration was a hot topic, where the leading media stations were delaying the digital TV switch in Kenya. The media stations decided to form a consortium and sell their own set-top box.
CAK bans Importation of SG, NMG and RMS set-top boxes
In a development to the above story, the Communications Authority of Kenya banned their importation of set-top boxes and their spectrum.
Still at that time, the digital tv migration issue was causing panic among people since most of them were not ready and didn’t know all the facts about the switch-off.
Airtel announces UnlimiNET tariff
Airtel Kenya disrupted the telecoms industry by introducing the Unliminet Tariff which offered data, SMS and voice minutes as one bundle at different price-points. This happened and caused ripples in the voice and mobile data market in the country.
Kenya Passport Applications to be done online fully
The government clearly iterated it was truly a “digital ” one by announcing that passport applications will be done online so as to simplify the process.
Safaricom to host MPESA servers locally
We posted a breaking news article where Safaricom finally decided to host MPESA here in Kenya, which promised even faster speeds. They later carried on a hashtag #MPESAComesHome which was announced on Twitter.
MPESA is upgraded to the new system
Safaricom conducted the final migration process to the new MPESA system on this day which caused several interruptions that are highlighted here. Coming back of Mpesa promised faster speeds and expansibility of the service by providing access to APIs to developers.
Safaricom’s hybrid Set-Up box is called The Box
As reported in our site, Safaricom was reported at that time to start launching and shipping a new set top box that was to offer terrestrial TV and internet content services.
Kenya’s Internet Penetration Statistics
The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics had released the 2015 survey that showed an impressive number of Internet users in the country.
Safaricom released its 2014-2015 financial results
Safaricom announced its end of business year financial results where it had posted a record net profit.
Safaricom’s “The Big Box” specs and price plans
We ran an article where we delved deep into the Safaricom Big Box, when it was aptly named, whereby we discovered its specs, determined its price and data plans.
Network upgrade for Safaricom’s network
Safaricom was working to upgrade its 3G network and expanding its 4G coverage to other towns.
Airtel’s Kshs 2 billion network upgrade
Not to be left behind, Airtel too was working to upgrade its network in Nairobi and the environs.
GOTV charging subscribers Free To Air channels illegally
It was discovered that GOTV was actually charging people for the free-to-air channels.
This is an article about the number of Airtel Money subscribers who actively use the service.
Uber finally testing cash payments and mobile money cash transfers
Finally after 6 months in operation in the Uber country decided to roll out cash and mobile money payments in Nairobi. This signified a company trying to come down to what works in the market vis a vis what works in other developed markets.
JKUAT announces its locally assembled Taifa A3 laptop
JKUAT officially announced that Taifa A3, a laptop that they assembled locally with imported parts, was going on sale. The price is a bit steep but with economy of scale and tax concessions the price should come down. Baby steps, but very welcome.
Kenya’s Government to use an official email platform
The government is set to procure its own email management solution so as to improve quality of email services within it. Well, this would be a good thing so we don’t have government officials using Gmail and Yahoo on official capacity. The move is also good for data security where all the administration and hosting of the same is local.