The fifth edition of the CIO100 survey has been launched. The CIO100 survey enables corporate organizations, both Multinational companies and Small and Medium sized Enterprises, to nominate and share with the industry various technologies that they have used to enhance their operations.
The CIO100 awards, which are set for November 5-6, 2015 at the Enashipai Resort & Spa in Naivasha, will see a second time collaboration between Kommunication Ultimate (publishers of CIO East Africa) and consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. PwC will provide technical and management support for the CIO100 Survey while CIO East Africa will coordinate the application process and manage the two-day event and Symposium.
Globally, the CIOs this year are focusing on winning in the digital era of IT. This sets to highlight ways digitization is transforming business models and determining who will take the lead in what is commonly referred to as the ‘digital now, digital first’ reality.
The CIO100 awards identify and recognize organizations that have taken risks and taken up emerging technology or deployed the tried-and-true in a new way. This could be an organization that has created a better business process or fostered closer collaboration, or a company that has discovered ways to reach new markets or has discovered ways of getting more from existing customer base through the use of ICT tools. To be selected, a company must show excellence in Technology Innovation and Business Value Delivery.
According to the 2014 CIO100 Mega-trend Report, compiled from the CIO100 Survey responses, more that two thirds of respondents who had used new technology for the first time, saw their organizations as “front-runners” in ICT innovations. This was by either developing new ICT tools or adopting technology that drives the organization’s success and sustainability.
Last year’s CIO100 Awards celebrated 100 organizations and people within them who showed use of ICT in innovative ways in business optimization and service delivery, thus enabling growth or improving relationships with their customers.
The regional CIO100 Awards celebrates companies from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania for their innovative use of IT. The awards ceremony also provides an opportunity for businesses to share technology innovations with their peers and how they have enabled or led the way to greater success for their organizations.
CIO100 is a celebration of 100 organizations and the people within them that use IT in innovative ways to deliver business value, either by creating competitive advantage, optimizing business processes, enabling growth or improving relationships with customers. The event is also hosted in other countries such as US, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam and Hungary.