Those dull Android Nougat adoption numbers we shared with you yesterday may not be there when we get February’s Android platform distribution figures from Google. This is because one of the most bought flagship smartphones from the last one year, Samsung’s Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, are, finally, receiving the Android 7 update.
The update is available both to users who had opted in to Samsung’s Nougat beta program as well as every other users of the two devices even though the former will receive a smaller install to take them to the final Nougat release.
Some will be disappointed that the version of Nougat that Samsung is availing, 7.0, is not really the latest as there is version 7.1.1 out already.
So, if you have one of those two devices, sit tight and wait for an over the air (OTA) update to hit your device any time soon. Or keep manually refreshing the update page in your phone’s ‘About’ menu in the settings app.