Amidst offering mobile telecoms services, Kenya’s third largest operator Telkom participates in other activities such as sponsoring sporting activities. Its hockey team, Telkom Ladies has amassed admirable local success that will enable it to take part in African Club Championship that will start on January 20.
The team’s latest elevation to success covers its top spot in the 2017/2018 Kenya Hockey Union Women’s Premier League champions after outplaying Multimedia University with a 6-point margin to none at City Park Stadium. While there are tow more games to play, the team did qualify as the season’s champion, which marks its 20th crown.
That said, it is apparent that the carrier wants to be part of spectators, governing bodies, event organizers as well as local clubs that are demanding more from their sporting events. This is because as a technology company, Telkom has a mandate to provide a platform to reach local audiences and personalize events through the use of its carrier services (mobile and enterprise).
It should be noted that such sponsorships are based on the idea that people need more from carriers and the media as a whole. At the same time, telcos use this demand to showcase advances in technology and ensuring that information is accessible to as many people as possible, a feat that can be demonstrated by robust networks – and while at it, extend social responsibility.
This is also goes in line with Telkom’s expression of what constitutes corporate social responsibility. Participating in and sponsoring events is one way of this manifestation. In the end, it is highly like the operator will see increased brand value, motivated people and community, not to mention customer loyalty. Also, it showcases a better public image and economic success.
Corporate social responsibility should not be confused with some form of favour for us. However, it indirectly creates extra avenues for growth, success and profitability for the company.
Lastly, the Telkom Ladies Hockey Team will be ushered into the African championship on Tuesday, January 16 at City Park Hockey Stadium in a cocktail event.