In this age of social media, it has made people to easily share what they are doing to the world and sometimes , it can make people to get a little bit carried away with the vanity. People can post photos of what they are doing and sometimes may end up downloading photos and uploading them on social sites.
However, when you download photos and make it seem that they are yours, that becomes a problem and it is quite easy nowadays to verify. On Chrome, you only need to right click on the photo and search for the image and if it is a downloaded photo, you’ll be able to see it from the Search results.
That is what Kenyans did to a media personality, Kobi Kihara. People found out that she was passing off edited photos on her Instagram page as her own, yet they were actually downloaded from the Internet.
Like the feet she posted on Instagram were from an Instagram account (@simmishoes) and the feet were darker
DCI tuko works ..A fake 🤣🤣🤣🤣
— Aleckie Ronald (@SirAlexas) August 24, 2018
That was not the only photo she lifted and edited from the @simmishoes Instagram account
"About last night" nyef nyef
— Diana Isha Nduku (@IshaDiana) August 24, 2018
And another one…still from the same Instagram account
This even extended to food pics on her Instagram, where she was caught stealing a photo and passing off the recipe as her own.
Kobi Kihara may not have claimed the shoes are hers but when it comes to food the captions, locations and comments are definitely meant to mislead
— Ibna Mattuta (@swahiligal) August 24, 2018
Chef Kobi Kihara…Nom Nom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #KobiWithAnEye For stealing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
— Aleckie Ronald (@SirAlexas) August 24, 2018
That behaviour even extended to stealing photos for an airport tagged post on Instagram
This tweet shows her stealing a bunch of photos as her own…from shoes to burgers to heels. Amazing
That was not all, she even stole other people’s tweets.
Girl is even stealing advice #KobiKiharaChallenge
— #FreeBobiWine (@MARKDAILER) August 24, 2018
Yes, be Humble Kobi 🤔.#KobiWithAnEye#KobiKiharaChallenge
— #FreeBobiWine 🇰🇪 🇺🇬 (@EngnrDan) August 24, 2018
Worst of all, she stole a baby. A baby photo guys.
Hide your kids. She will claim them and name them. #kobikiharachallenge
— Beth Njoroge 🇰🇪 (@sheeqowh) August 24, 2018
Well fake it till you make it I guess.