The internet can be a very interesting place if you know where to look at. Discovered will do the digging and bring you the best, new and interesting apps, browser extensions or websites so you don’t have to.
This week’s finds a Game of Thrones deathpool, Vanish, Cardhop among others. Have a look at them:
Guess the Throne
Popular tv show adapted from George R.R. Martin’s books, Game of Thrones is now in its eighth and final season and fans of the show have now come to enjoy the randomness of who gets killed in the Westeros realm – now there’s game for you to keep up and guess who gets killed next. The game is simple: You create a group or join a public one, submit your picks, and invite your friends! Go through the list of remaining characters and decide their fate, select who you think wins the Iron Throne and after each episode aired, Guess the Throne then handles the scoring, rules, and everything else and will update the scores so you can see how you compare to your friends – Most points at the end of the season wins!
Everyone has their own opinion on who gets to sits on the Iron Throne and Guess the Throne helps focus that bet on who wins and who loses and by lose, we mean die. Join here before the season premiers before April 14th.
Cardhop is a new iOS app for managing your contacts. The app has a solid design and functionality and its magical parsing engine is incredibly intuitive – it lets you search, add, edit and interact with your contacts using a simple sentence by simply entering an action or abbreviation. You can quickly toggle contact groups, interact with your recent contacts, receive birthday notifications, instantly see upcoming birthdays, and easily send a wish on their special day, Siri shortcuts and voiceover support.
Take a break
Take a break is a Mac app that will remind you to take regular breaks to help you relieve eye strain after using your laptop. It uses the 20-20-20 method where after spending 20 minutes on your screen, you’re supposed to look at something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. The break is mandatory as the app automatically locks your screen. To bring you back, it sounds an alert.
Other alternatives include Move It, Teeny Breaks, Reboot, Break and Aware.
Notebook for Windows
This is a cross-platform note-taking application that lets you take text notes, create checklists, add files and photos. It uses a unique “note card” concept that gives you formatted templates for the different type of notes you take with a bunch of customization options.
Have They Faked Me
We all know how deep fakes have gotten so good that there is a now an entire site of computer-generated people – This Person Does Not Exist but have you ever wondered if they have a face that looks like you? You can check that with Have They Faked Me where you can upload your photo and watch fakes that look like you. There’s even a score, I got a 0.356 fake on my face.
Ethical Resources
Ethical Resources is a huge repository of 150+ vetted resources for an ethical living — from books to browser extensions, TED talks to apps. They are a welcome alternatives to tech giants such as Facebook, Google or Amazon. The selection is very accurate if you’re into specific causes.
Do you want to completely go off-grid and disappear from social media? Vanish provides a step-by-step list of instructions and links in your path to remove your social media presence. I thought you just provided your logins and the site does the heavy lifting for you but no for privacy issues. The instructions are ok.
TuneMyMusic lets you transfer your playlists and your music library from any music platform to any other music platform including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer, Tidal, Itunes, Napster, Google Play Music and Amazon Music.
Moodboost is an iOS and Android app that gets you bite-sized positive news making it super easy to see the good happening in the world.
Trial Land
We all like freebies and Trial Land is the best way to keep up with the best free tiers and trials.
Google URL Preview
If you are a tabaholic(I just made that app but you get the gist) like me or a person who likes crawling through the rabbit hole that is the internet, you will come to hate opening links every time you look something up. Google URL Preview will show you previews of links from the Google search page so no more clicking unnecessary links(Hint use it with 90% zoom). UrlRender is another alternative but it is slightly slow.
VC Starter Kit
Venture capitalist also known as VCs have a typical way of donning their clothes – the VC Starter pack.
The VC starter kit
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) October 25, 2018
Now there’s a website for that and it has never been easier to look like one and for a good cause.
Discovered: We bring you the best, new and interesting apps, browser extensions or websites from all over the rabbit hole that is the internet.