Just the other day, the government of Kenya published the Data Protection (Civil Registration) Regulations, 2020. We detailed the majority of the draft’s proposals here, including the need to provide overreaching principles that focus on ensuring interoperability in civil registrations and identity management systems.
The document is also in line with the requirement of a strong civil registration, identity management systems and other vital statistics that are fundamental to the practical and fair running of the government.
That aside, the government is inviting people to a public participation forum to discuss the regulations. Suggestions can be submitted orally or through written memoranda according to the following manner:
- Orally through a public forum that will be held on 27th Feb from 9 AM to 1 PM in Nairobi at KICC; Nakuru at. Old Town Hall and Mombasa at Kenya School of Government (KSG).
- Written memoranda should be clearly marked ‘Public Participation of the Data Protection (Civil Rights Registration) Regulations, 2020’ and forwarded to the following before March 2, 2020: the PS, State Department of ICT and Innovation, Telposta Towers, 10th Floor, Kenyatta Avenue, Koinange Street, P.O. Box 30025-00100 Nairobi; Regional Commissioners’, Country Commissioners’, Deputy County Commissioners’ Officers across the country; and lastly, you can just send an email to [email protected]
The proposal can be read here.