The first Galaxy Note was a huge bet on Samsung’s side, came in amid criticisms and bets of it’s failure. In all that the phablet soldiered on and was able to get more than 10 million units. That’s not a small victory, the phablet went further to inspire LG with their Optimus Vu and Panasonic with the Eluga among others. Korean journalist Lee Minji reports that Shin Jong-kyun, the head of Samsung’s IT and mobile unit forecasts a two fold growth in sales of the galaxy Note 2 in comparison with the predecessor.
There has been huge interest in the Galaxy Note II as the market came to accept it as a mainstream device, with users wishing for more screen real estate and Samsung by releasing a larger screen than what was previously sold on the Galaxy Note shows the confidence they have in their product. Also there are more productivity apps that utilise the S Pen which in the Galaxy Note II is able to control phone activities without need for physical touch. Availability of the device in the market will be in October.