XOLO on Thursday announced the XOLO X1000 with Intel Atom Z2480 processor in Goa India. This will be the second XOLO launched in India after the Xolo X900 announced last year in April. The X1000 is a 4.7 inch smartphone with a SHARP HD 2.5 D edge curved glass covering an LCD display that has 1280 x 720 pixels -312 ppi pixel density. It runs a 2GHz Intel ATOM Processor with Intel Hyperthreading technology and a 400MHz GPU. It has a 1GB RAM memory and 8GB internal storage expandable via microSD to 32GB. The camera is 8MP rear with full HD video recording, LED flash and playback @15fps and a 1.3MP front camera.
The battery is a non-removable 1900 mAh inside a unibody design that is 9.1 mm thick with other dimensions as 67.6 x 133.9mm. It weighs 140 grams. It runs Android 4 Ince Cream Sandwich with minimal customizations.
The device is available in one colour, this being Black Silver with the front bearing an edge to edge curved glass. Availability in the shops is at 19,999 Rupees ($370 or Kshs 32,000) on FLipkart and Xolo.in online till 20th of March when it will sell at XOLO physical retail shops.