Samsung is yet to officially announce which devices will be getting some KitKat love and while its almost a given that the company’s flagship devices for the last two years will be upgraded in line with Samsung’s device update policy, until it is confirmed, you’ll always be in doubt. A leaked document from Samsung’s R&D centre in India suggests possible timelines for the delivery of the eagerly awaited update. Samsung is just closing the lid on its Android 4.3 update and getting Android 4.4 should be the next aim.
The Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy Note 3, Samsung’s 2013 flagship smartphones will be prioritized with a January 2014 rollout of Android 4.4 likely to happen while the Galaxy Note II and the Galaxy S III will follow suit between March and April.
Though this leaked document serves to instil some hope amongst Samsung devices owners, history makes me believe that this may not be how things eventually turn out to be. That update period is around the same one that the Samsung Galaxy S5go frenzy will be reaching feverpitch and it is likely the time that the device (running KitKat) will be officially announced. Unless this year is different, Samsung may hold on to the update for devices that are not running KitKat and only release Android 4.4 when sales of its next flagship have gone up.