Milk Music is Samsung’s music subscription service. The service also recently went to video, under the tag Milk Videos. Milk Studios has taken Samsung to court over the use of the name Milk. Milk Studios has been in operation for the last 15 years and according to SammyHub, has even worked with Samsung for quite a number of times.
Milk Music is claiming that Samsung “intentionally, willfully and knowingly” used Milk’s trademark and the studio had made requests for them to quit using it. The studio in the suit, is asking for punitive damages in an undisclosed sum of money.
Samsung is not the only one that has had conflict with use of a name, they are hard to come by. Microsoft had to drop two names sometime back, Metro UI for the Windows Phone 8 design and SkyDrive for the cloud storage service. For the former the design used Mordern UI, a term that is rarely used and for Skydrive Microsoft resulted to using OneDrive.
Samsung is not quoted as having responded to the suit against Milk Music which has been in operation since March when it was launched exclusively for Samsung Galaxy Devices in select markets.
Source: WSJ