Almost every computer science major coming off college these days has found a home on GitHub and they’ll happily share the links to their repositories to act as testimonials and in many cases as part of their resume. You’ll hardly find any of them referencing to projects they’ve hosted on Google Code though. The same goes for millions of other developers on the planet including those at Google as well as the company has also been heavily shifting to GitHub. Despite being a pioneer, Google Code has ceded so much ground to the competition that Mountain View already took note and by shutting it down come January next year, is in effect conceding defeat to GitHub and other Git repositories.
Google Code stopped accepting new project creation on March 12th and will become read-only, i.e. view project source codes, access wikis etc but without ability to edit/make any changes, on the 24th of August with a full shutdown of the service expected to be effected on the 25th of January 2016.
… it has become clear to us that the service simply isn’t needed anymore. – Google
Code joins the long list of other Google services that have been axed in the recent past including Reader which unlike Code which is not widely used by the developer community at this point in time, was still being favoured by many of us who keep track of various RSS feeds for updates on the fly.
There are several tools available to developers that will allow them to move their code to GitHub, SourceForge, BitBucket or elsewhere easily.