Samsung’s flagship smartphone for this year, the Galaxy S6 has been around for sometime now. Unveiled during MWC back in February, it went on sale in various markets in April. While we are yet to see Samsung make a lot of noise about the S6’s sales figures during its first month of going to market or even clarifying all those rumours of purported low sales, the company just says that the S6 beat its own internal targets. Of course we don’t know what those targets are.
Normally we usually see several Samsung Galaxy devices popping up several weeks after the year’s hero device has hit the markets. Devices like the Galaxy Active or camera spin-offs that have little to do with the flagship other than riding on the name like 2013’s Galaxy S4 Zoom. The mini versions of the flagship device also show up. We’ve always had them through the years. So far Samsung is yet to replicate the same with the Galaxy S6. We’ve only seen a couple of comic-themed releases. We don’t have a Galaxy S6 mini or a Galaxy S6 Active since unlike last year’s S5, the S6 doesn’t have Ingress Protection. But we’ve heard so much about them thanks to the rumour mill. But we haven’t heard of a device popular YouTuber Marques Brownlee aka MKBHD revealed in his review of the HTC One M9+: the Galaxy S6 Plus.
According to MKBHD, the Galaxy S6 Plus which will arrive at an unspecified timeline, it will be a “super-sized” version of the Galaxy S6. Like the HTC One M9+ which is meant exclusively for the Asian market where the phablet craze is yet to die down, the Galaxy S6 Plus may also just be available in Asia alone. We’re waiting to see how that plays out.
Source: YouTube