While some of our readers do think we’ve already seen the best of Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile platform as far as devices go, the company may simply be taking a breather and plotting seriously on how to keep with its competitors. For quite some time now, there have been endless rumours about the company making a “Surface phone”. Named after Microsoft’s premier Surface device lineup that now includes not just the Surface tablets but also the SurfaceBook, the new device lineup is expected to pick up from where the Lumia lineup exits from. In fact, some are calling the upcoming Lumia 650 the “last Lumia”.
A description to a new video posted on YouTube originating from Microsoft China showcasing Continuum does nothing to quash such widespread speculation of the existence of a mysterious new lineup of Windows mobile devices from Microsoft. In the description which is written in Chinese, there is reference to a device that is totally unheard of: the Lumia Phone X.
The description reads:
Homemade Welcome Mobile phone Continuum, this function can convert your phone large screen projector and utilities. Use dock or adapter to connect to a TV or monitor, and then use your application on a larger screen and view your content. You can also make your mouse and keyboard computer phone has the same powerful features, such as production of Office documents, send e-mail, and even type text messages. Upon completion, the file will be saved on your phone, you can continue working. Of course, you can watch videos, view photos, surf the Web and so on. Note: This feature requires a compatible mobile device is intended for use, for example Lumia 950 / XL, Lumia Phone X and Acer Jade Primo.
Maybe Lumia Phone X is just a vague reference to an unreleased Windows device like the Lumia 650. Maybe it is something we’re yet to hear about yet like everyone seems to believe. Time will tell.
Source: Gadgetzarena