The world of live broadcasting is hot right now and Periscope does not want to be left behind. The Twitter owned company that is focused solely on this industry announced three new updates to its livestreaming platform.
Tweet embeds
For publishers like us, embedding posts into articles is something that we do quite often and it shows the readers where the information came from. Periscope’s idea of embedding broadcasts involve publishers embedding tweets that have these broadcasts so that it is possible for the readers to watch them. In addition, if you want to find these broadcasts on Twitter, you only need to type #Periscope which seems to be a special hashflag from the company.
Replay highlights
This is definitely the coolest update they have done so far. As Periscope describes it, Highlights “automatically generates a short trailer for every Periscope broadcast.” We have seen the extensive use of Trailers by movie studios and it is cool Periscope is doing that for live broadcasts. Apparently Periscope is hacking this by checking “a variety of signals” to determine which parts of your replay should be included in the highlight which we can guess they are using AI to do that. Still a cool feature and will definitely make people want to watch a Periscope broadcast.
Live Autoplay but for Android
Autoplay video is not a new thing for social networks with video platforms and now Periscope has integrated this feature for the Android app. When you go to either the Watch tab or Global Feed, live broadcasts will play automatically (of course without sound). This is a potential data gobbler so you might have to check if you can be able to turn it off.