We have been on the app crazy world for a decade now and companies have been stuffing their apps with features over time which makes them bloated. This has led to some companies like Facebook to introduce ‘Lite apps’ like Messenger Lite or Facebook Lite which are more focused to deliver the core experience while being kinder to your data balance.
That is what Twitter is emulating here thanks to them announcing Twitter Lite. According to the company, Twitter lite will load quickly on slower connections while minimizing data usage, which is great for people who do not have huge data bundle balances. It only takes less than an 1 MB on your device (surprising huh!) and Twitter has optimized it for speed where apparently it will launch 30% faster.
Twitter Lite will provide you with the key features of the social network like your Timeline, Direct Messages, Tweets, Trends, Profiles, media uploads, notifications and much more. So essentially, you won’t be missing anything much if you use the core features Twitter uses.
So Twitter app is basically like the mobile web that has been available since the beginning, but Twitter has added some key features to make it act like an app. On the notification tab, you can enable push notifications so as to get notifications on your phone. It will also prompt you to add Twitter Lite to your homescreen so that you can access it easily on your phone.
Other features include a data saver which is accessed within settings, offline access where you get to read content you loaded even if your network cuts out and safe browsing.
Check out Twitter lite by heading over to mobile.twitter.com