With a two-part tweet, Google has gone from one of “America’s greatest companies” as President Trump called it back in July while defending them against EU’s harsh Android fine to “a very serious situation” that “will be addressed”.
Trump’s lash out at Google is based on his belief that “Google and others” are suppressing voices and news that is Good. The 72-year-old president is accusing Google of rigging search results to portray him as bad by displaying negative stories about him from “fake new media”.
In the first tweet, Trump says that search results for “Trump News” only shows stories and news that are bad. He specifically mentions CNN and labels it as fake. The second tweet, he states, without proper sources, that 96% of search results from the above-mentioned search term are from “National left-wing media”, which according to him is very dangerous. Donald Trump goes ahead to say that Google and others are controlling what people can and cannot see.
The last part of Trump’s tweets could easily be interprated as a threat and all eyes will be in him to see how exactly he plans to address Google following his claims. However, we note that Google’s search results vary from one user to another based on a lot of factors and maybe there’s a reason behind Trump’s search results that only he can tell us.