Chipper Cash, which currently operates in Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, Rwanda and Tanzania with lots more countries launching in 2020, is a payments app for sending cash to anyone for free. Seriously, you will not be charged if you need to send money to any of the countries where Chipper Cash is live.
The app it is available for both Android and IOS devices, which is not such a common thing considering other fintech apps mostly target Android devices. If you are like me, then you knew of Chipper Cash’s existence via a referral. Or you heard a friend talk about it.
The app is also very good looking with purple accents and offers fast support if you need help. Of course, Chipper Cash is a financial product, so you should always keep your account security pin a secret, and know that no one from Chipper will ever ask you for your pin, ever.
You will need to verify your account by taking a photo of your ID and then a selfie holding the ID. For fast verification make sure to get very clear shots. The verification process is straightforward, you simply need to click on the profile tab on the app and scroll down to the bottom, and click on “Verify my Account.”
Now to using the app! So, you ask, how can I top up my Chipper Cash wallet? – and we are glad you asked. It is quite simple: you can either use M-PESA or any mobile money account. Go to your profile tab and click “Add Cash”, enter your account info, and the amount you wish to add to your wallet and click “Add cash”. A pop up for your M-PESA PIN will appear, input your PIN and your account will be credited instantly. It does not even take a 3 seconds.
Alternatively, if you do not see the pop up for M-PESA PIN, you can use Chipper’s pay bill number on the Mpesa menu on your phone. Select Lipa na M-PESA then Paybill then enter 511760 for a business number and finally put Critical. In a few months, Kenyan users will be able to deposit money directly into their wallets using their debit cards. Wow. Kenyan’s are lucky to have so many options at their disposal, which is not something you can say for other markets that are yet to embrace mobile money.
And now to the even more exciting bit. Airtime and bundles! Chipper’s team is just as young as most you guys out there and so realized that one of the most important things, we all need is the need to stay connected. With that, they came up with the idea to give discounted airtime to users. For example, you get airtime worth KES 100 for only KES 98 with discounts increasing as the amount of airtime purchases increases. The option is available at the Profile tab, where you can then smash the ‘Buy Airtime’ button and get Airtime for a nice discount.
Before we forget we said Chipper Cash is a payments app, so it comes with a whole lot of beneficial features apart from just the airtime and money transfer. If you are a merchant or business person selling goods online or in a store, you can get paid by your customer simply by sharing the Payment Link located in your Profile tab under the “Share Your Payment Link” option. This amazing feature allows those without the app to pay anyone with the app. If your friend owes you money and you find them loaded somewhere along Kenyatta Avenue, you do not need to go to an agent to get your money. Simply share the link with them and they can pay you instantly.
Get Chipper Cash for Free on Google or Apple App Stores.