Telegram Messenger may not be as popular as WhatsApp but it has hundreds of millions of users around the world. People love it for a number of things like sharing documents as large as 1.5GB, being based on the cloud, bots, channels and so much more.
Although we love Telegram for features listed above, there is one thing we really hate about Telegram. When someone joins on Telegram, you get notified of their presence.
This snitching behaviour is not appreciated by the people who get the message since your feed gets populated by “Peter joined Telegram!” posts and by the people who join the app alike who get messages from people that they have noticed that they have joined Telegram.
Naturally, you would think there is a remedy to cure this problem. If you dig down to settings, you will notice there is a toggle that should help with this problem. If you go to Settings > Notifications and Sounds > Events, you will notice the “Contact joined Telegram” toggle.
Now, you would think that disabling that toggle will disable the mess that is the “contact joined Telegram”, but in reality, it doesn’t work. People complain about this all the time where they say that they still receive these notifications even if they disable the notification.
Well, apparently there is a reason why this does not work and it was explained by Telegram on Twitter.
The toggle disables the push notification, but the new chats are still created because you’ve synced your contacts with Telegram. You can go into Settings > Privacy and Security and scroll down to Delete Synced Contacts, which will prevent future ones from being created.
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 20, 2020
Telegram said that the toggle only disables the push notification but you will still get those notifications in-app if you’ve synced your contacts. Every time one of your contacts joins Telegram, you will still get the notification of them joining the app.
Well, Telegram’s advice to prevent you from getting such notifications is by scrolling down the privacy and security settings and deleting synced contacts which will prevent future ones from being created.
That is a rubbish way of coding this feature since it means we are technically helpless to these notifications. Telegram syncs your contacts and if you decide to delete synced contacts (I tried), it ruins how your chats look like.
This seems like a feature that we will have to deal with until Telegram comes up with a better way to deal with the “contact joined Telegram” problem.
Telegram said that the toggle only disables the push notification but you will still get those notifications in-app if you’ve synced your contacts. Every time one of your contacts joins Telegram, you will still get the notification of them joining the app.
Well, Telegram’s advice to prevent you from getting such notifications is by scrolling down the privacy and security settings and deleting synced contacts which will prevent future ones from being created.
That is a rubbish way of coding this feature since it means we are technically helpless to these notifications. Telegram syncs your contacts and if you decide to delete synced contacts (I tried), it ruins how your chats look like.
This seems like a feature that we will have to deal with until Telegram comes up with a better way to deal with the “contact joined Telegram” problem.