Telegram Messenger is loved by millions of people around the world for various things and one of them is channels. An individual or an institution can create a Telegram channel where they can post about anything and get subscribers.
One thing that has bugged me about the channel feature is that Telegram did not give channel owners detailed statistics about the health of the channel. Well now they have added channel stats but it has a twist.
This feature will only be available to channels with more than 1000 subscribers. If you have a Telegram channel with more than 1000 subscribers, you can now view detailed statistics about its growth and performance of posts.
The statistics include subscriber growth, followers that joined or left the channel, how many of your notifications were muted or unmuted by your followers, when your subscribers view your posts during the day, sources of views, new followers by source, views and shares, and recent posts.
These statistics can prove to be invaluable to people who rely on this kind of data like publications or people who share videos on their channels. They can use this metadata to plan when to publish their content to their channels.
Telegram also added a couple of cool things with this update. They added Chat Folders to separate your chats well which reminds me of Plus Messenger. These chat folders sync with your desktop and Telegram has added a folder sidebar so that you can do this easily. They have also added Voice Recording animations on Android for when you are sending voice notes. Finally, they have added new animated emoji (including one coronavirus related one) and if you send a dice emoji on a chat, you will get a random number from the animated dice.