Kenya and Japan Governments alongside and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) are holding the Second Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum in Nairobi as a business collaboration event that has rounded up people from the highest levels of the public and private sectors in Japan and Africa to discuss how all these sectors can work together to achieve concrete business outcomes.
The virtual event has been running since yesterday and will end on 9th December 2021.
The Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum (JAfEF) is held every three years, with the aim of promoting business cooperation between them in areas such as trade and investment, infrastructure, and energy, as well as assisting Japanese companies in developing their business in Africa.
The launch of this forum was originally announced by former Prime Minister Abe at the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) in Kenya in August 2016.
The first forum was held in South Africa, in May 2018.
This is the first time this event is being held in Nairobi.
Some of the Kenyan companies that have confirmed participation are Twiga Foods, Car & General, TLcom Capital, KenGen, Safaricom, and others.
There will also be speakers and panelists from public sectors including the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development, Kenya Investment Authority, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM).
Other panelists consist of their Japanese counterparts and prominent international entities from both the public and private sectors.
The event is being held online and JETRO has launched an online platform in conjunction with the Forum dedicated to networking and business-related communication.
The system offers messaging and online meeting capabilities and will enable participants to make connections (requesting and acceptance of individual meetings) that lead to new business opportunities.
Participants are requested to register their details separately to use this service. For those interested in participating in the forum they can register on the registration platform:
This event is the second-largest event to be held by the Government of Kenya in partnership with the Government of Japan. We would like to encourage Kenyan entrepreneurs to take advantage of the collaboration opportunities offered by Japanese companies – JETRO Nairobi Director Ms. KUBO Yuika.