WeTransfer, the cloud-based platform that lets users send files around the world without an account, has some good news for everyone. The platform has updated its link expiry policy, keeping links active for a longer period. Links that were valid for 1 week will now be accesible for upto 4 weeks.
“Can you send that link again? It expired. “Are words you hopefully never have to utter again. We’ve listened, and we understand your concerns. Now, you can hold onto those transfers a little longer, extending the expiration date up to 30 days in the WeTransfer mobile app,” the company wrote in a notice.
The extension of a links validity period to 30 days is a huge leap for users of the free service or those who have a basic plan. Before this change, users receiving transfers through the free service or with a Basic account had only 7 days to access the files.
When this period lapses, the link expires and the files are removed from WeTransfer servers. The company claims it does not “keep a hidden stash of transfers so once they are deleted, it is no longer possible to download them.”
Based on WeTransfer own records, it has a userbase of 80 million monthly active users. The Dutch company surpassed USD 111m in revenue in 2021. WeTransfer offers a premium subscription for $12 monthly, enabling users to transfer files of up to 20 GB. Additionally, the company monetizes its platform through advertising.