We got another world’s first with the launch of Huawei mediapad, a tablet that boasts of Qualcomm’s dual-core 1.2GHz processor, 7 inch screen and Android 3.2 honeycomb. With 10.5 mm(0.4 inches), the device prides itself to be the thinnest, smartest and lightest tablet. It weighs 390g unlike the previous Ideos S7 which was a whole half a kg. The mediapad was announced earlier today in the 2011CommunicAsia in Singapore.
It supports 1080P full HD video playback and features a 1.3 megapixel front facing camera and 5 megapixel auto focus rear facing camera with HD video recording capabilities. With HSPA+ 14.4Mbps and high-speed WiFi 802.11n Internet connectivity
The MediaPad supports HSPA+ data services, Flash 10.3 videos and comes preinstalled with applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Let’s Golf and Documents to Go. With the 7-inch IPS touch screen, the MediaPad offers a standout visual experience for photos, movies and applications. Entertainment and gaming experience are taken to the next level with the MediaPad’s 1.2GHz Dual-Core processor, HD playback and HDMI port.