To make a donation yuMobile subscribers can go to their yuCash Menu on their phone and select Send Money, enter 200140 for Kenya Red Cross Society as the Business Code, enter the amount you wish to send followed by a Short Message (max 32 characters) e.g. Drought Response Donation. This will be followed by a screen showing all the details to confirm accuracy of the transaction. Subscribers then enter their yuCash PIN and press OK. They will then receive a confirmation SMS from yuCash. Subscribers will not pay anything to send money as yuMobile has covered that.
To donate via yuCash:
1. Go to the yuCash Menu and Select Send Money
2. Enter 200140 for Kenya Red Cross Society as the Business Code
3. Enter the amount you wish to send
4. Enter a Short Message (max 32 characters) e.g. Drought Response Donation
5. View all the details to confirm accuracy
6. Enter your yuCash PIN and press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from yuCash
yuMobile subscribers can make a minimum contribution of Ksh 100 on yuCash and also send a messenge with the contributions at no extra charge. Those wishing to donate less than ksh 100 towards the initiative can send a sms message of hope to the short code 1111 which will be charged at ksh 10 per sms with all proceeds going towards the Kenya Red Cross Drought response initiative.