Mi-Fone has launched two power banks branded the Mi Power bank 2200 and Mi Power bank 4400 as solutions to smartphone power problems. The two have various power capabilities with the PB 4400 doing double of what the 2200 does.
Mi Power 2200 can charge a 650mAh battery three times for 1.5 hours. Charging of the device itself takes 3 hours and can standby for many days since it has a power ON/OFF switch. Comes handy since when you dont really need it, the device will stay charged for as long as it’s off.
PB2200 Specifications:
- Dimensions: 94 x 21 x 22
- Weight: 80g
- Standard Accessory: MicroUSB cable
- Battery Type: Li-Ion Battery
- Input MicroUSB Jack
- Output MicroUSB jack
- Output Voltage: 5.0V
- Charging Voltage: 5.0V
- Capacity: 2200mAh at 0.2C
- Available in Metallic white
- Charging connectors: Nokia Mini(N70), Mini USB, Micro USB, Samsung G600, iPod/iPhone
The PB4400 does double, meaning you will charge the same power capacity battery six times ove for the same 1.5 hours.
PB4400 Specifications:
- Dimensions: 94 x 46 x 21
- Weight: 160g
- Standard Accessory: MicroUSB cable
- Battery Type: Li-Ion Battery
- Input MicroUSB Jack
- Output MicroUSB jack
- Output Voltage: 5.0V
- Charging Voltage: 5.0V
- Capacity: 4400mAh at 0.2C
- Includes LED Torch
- Available in Metallic white
- Charging connectors: Nokia Mini(N70), Mini USB, Micro USB, Samsung G600, iPod/iPhone