More than 210 million smartphones during the first quarter of 2013. 74.4 percent of these run the Android operating system. This is a rise from 56.9 percent during the first quarter of 2012. Apple’s iOS comes second at 18.2 percent, down from 22.5 percent in Q1 2012. Microsoft’s Windows Phone stands at 2.9 up from 1.9 percent in the first quarter of 2012. Samsung’s Bada is down to 0.7 percent, with Symbian standing at 0.6 percent.
64.7 million Samsung smartphones were sold last quarter, representing a 30.8 percent market share. This is an increase of 27.6 percent from last year. Apple follows at 18.2 percent, first-quarter sales currently stand at 38.3 million, up from 33.1 million in Q1 2012. According to Gartner, the Chinese market accounts to sales of close to 7 million iPhone units, the result of iPhone 4 pricing discounts.