LG is out to tell everyone how awesome its flagship device, the G2, is. In the process, they really don’t care who you are. You have to step out of the way for them. We’ve just seen what LG Sweden did by raiding the web browsing apps on the Galaxy S4, the iPhone 5s and the HTC One and taking jibes at those device’s various features and now we have something that LG USA posted on its Facebook page a few days ago: a post asking people to write their Blackberry eulogies. Blackberry has not been on the positive side of news coverage lately and LG seemed to cash in on that fact by trolling the Canadian company.
These are the hurtful words as you can see below: Write a eulogy for your BlackBerry on your new LG G2’s beautiful 5.2” full 1080HD display
I am not sure if they expected this or not but reading through the comments one gets the feeling that Blackberry still has its die hard fans and users on the ready. They responded en masse and there are no kind comments for LG for taking on Blackberry. It got quite a backlash. You know what they say about beating a man when he’s already down?
Via: Facebook