Nokia’s HERE suite has been available on Android for a while now. Though that provision came with a rider that your Android device either had to be a Samsung wearable like the Gear S or a Samsung Android device like the Galaxy S5 and other Galaxy devices. Not anymore. That Samsung device exclusivity has come to an end and everyone can join the party. Starting today, all Android users can run HERE on their devices as long as they are on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or more recent versions of Android.
HERE is popular for its excellent maps and navigation services when you’re offline and has for long been identified with Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform where it has been the default maps application for a while.
Unlike in the case of Samsung devices where the app was available for installation directly from the Galaxy Apps store, now that it is coming to all Android devices doesn’t mean you’ll get it on the Play Store. No. You’ll have to sideload the .apk file so make sure you’ve enabled the option to install apps from other sources in your device settings and get going. That is if you hadn’t already done that since stripping the .apk file from Samsung devices and sideloading it to other Android devices was already a thing and it worked just fine. If you had already done that then just install again as this is an updated version.
HERE is still on beta on Android and since Google has an elaborate beta program that involves a tie-in with Google+, we can guess that’s why HERE is available for easy sideloading at first. Remember it is not until recently that popular keyboard Swiftkey joined the official Google recommended way of running app betas via G+ after years of having its own “VIP” beta testing program. Whichever is the case, what is arguably the best maps and navigation app out there is now available for your device.
Download HERE 🙂
Source: HERE
Photo: The Register