Apple just unveiled its latest iPhones the other day. The iPhone 6S has a 4.7 inch display while the iPhone 6S Plus is the larger one of the two with a 5.5 inch display. The two devices are available in among other colour options: Rose Gold.
It is this Rose Gold bit that did not sit well with Huawei, Apple’s rival in the smartphone market. Huawei just unveiled its own big smartphone, the 5.5 inch Mate S, is also available in Rose Gold and the Chinese smartphone maker was quick to remind the whole world of the same through its Twitter account.
#HuaweiMateS in #RoseGold, from head to toe.
— Huawei Mobile (@HuaweiMobile) September 10, 2015
12 MP camera versus 23 MP camera. Isn’t it time to #SwitchToSony?
— Sony | Xperia (@sonyxperia) September 10, 2015
A battery life worth talking about… Up to 2 days’ battery with #Xperia Z5 series:
— Sony | Xperia (@sonyxperia) September 9, 2015
Up to 2 days' battery life, 23 MP camera, 4K video capture AND display… #Xperia Z5 series:
— Sony | Xperia (@sonyxperia) September 9, 2015
— Sony | Xperia (@sonyxperia) September 9, 2015
Another outstanding feature of the new iPhones is what Apple calls “3D Touch”. 3D Touch is simply the phone being able to discern a user’s intent by monitoring the difference in pressure sensitivity applied to trigger an on-screen action. It had been implemented on a smaller scale on the Apple Watch and only made its debut on a phone in the new iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. It is worth noting that Huawei released one of the Mate S models (the 128 GB “luxury” model) featuring what it referred to at the keynote in Berlin as “force touch” display but what it has subsequently called “Smart-pressure Sensitive Screen” in marketing materials. Huawei is currently the third largest smartphone vendor in the world after Samsung and Apple. Other Apple competitors like Sony and Samsung also took to Twitter to throw jibes at Cupertino.
You can find a whole range of the swipes taken on Apple by users, critics and competitors alike in our compilation here.