In October last year, Microsoft introduced its latest premium smartphones, the Lumia 950 and 950XL. The devices which have 5.2-inch and 5.7-inch QHD displays were made available in various markets later in November that year alongside the budget 4.7-inch Lumia 550. Microsoft was quick to make it clear that it was not going to be business as usual for its new premium smartphones which run on Windows 10 Mobile. The focus shifted from competing directly with the likes of Android and iOS to providing real value to hardcore Windows users and courting the enterprise crowd. As such, rollout in many markets has been muted.
According to TechArena, Microsoft will be officially unveiling the Lumia 950 and 950XL next month (February) in Kenya. The budget Lumia 550 which is obviously more well-suited to the Kenyan mobile phone market which is very price-sensitive may also be introduced at the same event. This comes after the Lumia 950 started selling in Kenya in mid-December 2015 in Midcom stores countrywide. Midcom is Microsoft’s retail partner and the remainder of Microsoft’s new smartphone family will likely be on sale via its stores and others like mobile operators Safaricom and Airtel.
Microsoft already introduced the Lumia 950 and 950XL in the South African market towards the end of 2015. The company is expected to unveil a new member of its smartphone family, the Lumia 650, on February 1st.
We’ve heard from the local Microsoft office that indeed the Lumia 550 will be making its way to the Kenyan market soon. However, they could not confirm to us if it will launch alongside the Lumia 950 and 950XL in February as expected. Just look out for it soon.