In 2015, the Communications Authority of Kenya finalized the reviewing of guidelines for the Postal and Courier security management framework following consultations with the Public. The review led to the publishing of new guidelines to govern the sub-sector. These guidelines stated that postal or courier operators implement mechanisms that provide for remote payment options incorporating a payment platform through a licensed financial payment services provider. Couriers were also required to come up with enhanced security for packages through faster parcel delivery and tracking of the courier delivery service by the company.
The guidelines also stated that customers should have the ability to track their packages through electronic mechanisms to ascertain location and this applies for both inbound and outbound international packages. The electronic mechanism needed to indicate the time and location a package was received by the courier, the current estimated location and the expected delivery location and estimated delivery time. Non-automated companies will need to set up a call center to provide customer care numbers for tracking.
The Authority has also been keen to ensure proper regulation of the sub-sector and has taken up technology to allow for the achieving of this purpose. In collaboration with the Universal Postal Union (UPU), CA yesterday unveiled a new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System that will enable the Authority to independently determine and verify the Quality of Service offered to consumers of public postal services. The technology has the ability to automatically read and record time stamp movements of test mails across various postal distribution systems across the country; monitor delivery timelines of letters at key points in the mail processing and PCK’s transmission network, and can also assess the achievement of the set quality of service targets.
In addition to setting new guidelines, the Authority has been looking to revive the Postal services in Kenya. In 2015, it sought proposals for consultancy services to undertake independent study of Postal Corporation of Kenya service delivery levels. The review will allow for the harmonization of its operations to effectively compete in the market.