Instagram launched Stories way back in August last year and it was the company’s answer to Snapchat Stories which had proved to be popular by people. The company did not stop there as over time, they added the ability to start Live videos, see other stories from people you do not follow on Explore and the addition of stickers on your Stories.
Since Instagram is in the business of making sure that it is making money from its efforts, it was only a matter of time to see how they would integrate an ad framework for Stories. Well today, they have explained how they would do that.
Now brands will be able to run full screen ads within Stories. According to Instagram, over 150 million Instagrammers use the feature which is a quarter of the total monthly user base so you cannot downplay its importance. Instagram also revealed that 70% of Instagram follow a business and apparently a third of the most viewed stories are from businesses. In addition, 70% of Stories are watched with the sound on, which means businesses are being encouraged to make more immersive ads with this format.
The company is testing over 30 brands with this new ad format that includes the likes of Airbnb, Netflix, General Motors,Maybelline and Nike so you can expect that number to balloon in the future.
To accompany this new ad format, Instagram also announced Stories Insights which will allow advertisers to see the impressions, replies and exits of the stories. You will access this if you are on a business profile.
So get ready to see ads on Stories on Instagram in the near future and will make Instagram rake in more cash for Facebook than ever before.