WhatsApp, the messaging service owned by Facebook has been adding iterative features to its core experience in a bid to make sure its 1.2 billion users keep engaging with the network. One seemingly neglected part of WhatsApp that had lots of potential was the Status update and now a revamp has been made official.
“Starting today, we are rolling out an update to status, which allows you to share photos and videos with your friends and contacts on WhatsApp in an easy and secure way,” Jan Koum, WhatsApp co-founder said in the blogpost. This essentially turns WhatsApp Status update to a form that we saw being popularized by the Snap interface on Snapchat and marks another area Facebook has decided to copy the popular network.
These WhatsApp Status updates will expire after 24 hours and your contacts will be able to reply to your posts. You can add doodles, texts and emojis to the videos and photos just like in Snapchat or Instagram Stories.
In order for you to create these new ‘status updates’, there will be a status bar that was tested a while ago where you will be able to create yours or see others.
This update comes after it was spotted on the beta channel recently and after adding another layer of security on the app. The WhatsApp Status has finally been given its big revamp after 8 years according to the company and it continues the trend of copying Snapchat features and baking them to their app.
The update is currently being rolled out to everyone starting today.