YouTube is undoubtedly the largest online video repository and it holds millions of videos which are so diverse in nature. They range from comedies to art to music videos and random stuff like this video of someone trying to come up with a record.
The random part of YouTube is usually the weirdest where people upload videos of them doing silly things. Now this YouTuber Tocen decided to do a random thing: Attempting to make a million clicks on his mouse in one video.
Since it is quite hard to make the count orally while making the mouse clicks, he had an idea to keep count of the score. He made a program that tracks the clicks he made on the left and right buttons and displays them on the screen. It also gave the estimated time of completion of the task as well as his current pace in terms of clicks per second/minute/hour.
His inspiration was a guy who counted from one to a hundred thousand in one video which took him 40 hours and he used that as the peak time to hit the million click mark. Well he beat that record as he was able to make a million mouse clicks in 17 hours, 27 minutes and 7 seconds which is crazy!
“I would not wish for someone to do what I’ve done,” he said, “I’m grateful for the experience; although some may say I have accomplished nothing.”
These kind of videos would make you wonder what people will come up with next.