Telkom Kenya, under the brand name Orange, launched a 24 hour daily bundle offering targeting the youth in 2012. The bundle dubbed “Holla”, was to strategically tap into the youth segment of the market. Holla was later transformed into a permanent tariff in late 2012, due to the positive response from customers.
In a move that we could only term as smart, seeing that we Kenyans love free things, Telkom Kenya has slashed calling rates on the Holla bundle by almost 50 percent. Telkom Kenya has dropped its off-net call rates for their bundled offerings of Holla Plus and Holla Premium from KES. 3.00 to KES. 1.80 per minute.
Telkom Kenya’s Chief Corporate Communications Officer, George Mlaghui, says the company is focused on providing customer centric solutions through its continuously evolving product and service offerings, informed by consumer dynamics and trends. “We are all about creating value to the Telco customer and these Holla bundles confirm our resolve to create more choice.”
The all-inclusive Holla Plus and Holla Premium bundles come with free on-net calls (Orange to Orange) and free SMSs across all networks. In addition, the Holla Premium bundle now has an increased validity period of 72 hours from the previous 24 hour period. To subscribe, one needs to dial *10#.
The Holla Bundles come with an automated renewal feature for ease of planning for customers, with the option of deactivation by dialing *11#.
This makes Telkom Kenya the cheapest Telco at the moment. Safaricom through Uwezo tariff and Airtel through Vuka tariff, offer a calling rate of KES. 4 per minute during the peak hours (8am – 10pm) and KES. 2 per minute during the off-peak hours for both on-net and off-net calls.