Last year, Tumblr decided to ban porn on its social network which was an unprecedented move. The social network was infamously known for its lax rules regarding porn, well until in December last year when they decided to ban all of that.
Well it seems like a porn company wants to bring back Tumblr to its ‘former glory’. According to BuzzFeed, Pornhub confirmed to the publication where apparently they are ‘extremely interested’ in acquiring Tumblr.
This news follows a WSJ report where it said that Verizon who owns Tumblr were looking to unload Tumblr.
Pornhub’s Vice President, Corey Price told BuzzFeed that restoring Tumblr’s NSFW edge would be central to their acquisition if happens.
“Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included,” Corey Price told the publication. “We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content.”
Tumblr’s war on porn on its site started due to Apple. Apple banned their official app on the App store over child pornography. When Tumblr cleaned up their act, the app was reinstated by Apple.
In a bid to save its reputation, Tumblr then decided to drop the axe and issue the porn ban on 3rd December which was to be finalized on the 17th. This had a monumental impact on their traffic as their traffic dropped by almost 30% after the ban which is insane. Maybe if Pornhub buys it, the traffic might go up.