The popular messaging app, WhatsApp is down for its users. People are sharing that they can’t update their Status or view recently shared ones. This has also affected media files as you are unable to download and view them.
Users of the Facebook-owned messaging platform can’t download or send images and audio with Downdetector reporting over 1400 reports from people who actively use the chat app on Android, iOS and on the web.
This includes updating your Status too
Try sending/ downloading a photo… or updating whatsapp status #whatsappdown
— Carol Radull (@CarolRadull) July 3, 2019
The reported problems include 73% sending or receiving messages, 25 % connection issues and 1% log in trouble.
Download failed
The error tells users to ask for the media file to be sent over again which doesn’t work.
The cause of the outage has yet to be made.