One of the best things about Telegram Messenger is that it allows you to send rather huge files for a social network. Telegram has always allowed you to send files as big as 1.5GB and they have jacked that file limit up by 33% which is great!
Telegram announced yesterday that users will now be able to send media and files of any kind upto 2GB each. This is a nice bump up and it is the first time Telegram has bumped this limit since they launched in 2014. They didn’t waste any time to shade WhatsApp with their ridiculous 16MB that they had for so long, which was ‘improved’ to 100MB recently.
The new update will now make Telegram as competitive as WeTransfer, which is used by people as a free way to send files upto 2GB each. WeTransfer requires both parties to use their email addresses to access the links to download. Telegram only needs you to have an account and since it is available on both desktop and mobile, it can be an incredibly popular way to move such big files.
The 2GB max file limit is not the only thing Telegram announced in yesterday’s update. Telegram announced features like Profile Videos, softening skin option on media editor, improved People Nearby section, Mini Thumbnails, Filtering New Chats From Non-Contacts, Group Stats, Android extras (revamped music player, improved message input bar, cropping and rotating videos), multiple accounts on Telegram Desktop and More Animated Emojis.
There is one major update they didn’t mention, the video call thing that they promised earlier on, but it seems we have to wait for it for Telegram to catch up to the competition.