2020 is ending as a tradition, you will be seeing a lot of curated top 9 most popular posts on Instagram.
Instagram doesn’t highlight your top nine posts of the year natively despite the tons of features it has – so you’ll need to download a third-party app from the Google Play Store.
We recommend getting Best Grid.
Download it directly from this link and then install it.
When you open the app, it’ll ask you to enter your Instagram name.
Click on Create and let read your stats.
You’ll see the number of followers you have, the number of posts you have uploaded, the total number of likes and comments your posts have gotten over the year.
Thereafter, you can close the app.
The app lets you save the “basic” collage with the app’s watermark and one without(however, you’ll have to watch an ad to unlock).
Other options include picking one with ranks included in the post, polaroid option, thin lines option, one with a happy new years caption at the bottom, circle frame option, option with blessed beyond belief caption, one with thanks for following caption at the bottom, among others.
After selecting our option, go ahead and save it on your phone, share to Story or Share to Feed on Instagram.
Go have fun. Oh and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.