Telegram has today announced that they have added WhatsApp chat export on Android that was only available to iOS yesterday.
This is quite easy to do on Android. Open a WhatsApp chat, tap the ⋮ button, More > Export Chat then choose Telegram in the Share menu.
Telegram also threw shade on WhatsApp’s local storage tactics. “The best part is that the messages and media you move don’t need to occupy extra space. Older apps make you store all data on your device – but Telegram can take up virtually no space while letting you access all your messages, photos and videos anytime you need them,” Telegram said.
In addition to the WhatsApp chat export on Android, Telegram also had major news. They gained 100 million users in January. That is a pretty staggering figure by any measure and it shows that people have seriously migrated to the platform after WhatsApp decided to change their privacy policy recently. This also comes after Telegram said that they have over 500 million users at the beginning of this year.
Telegram did not stop with the updates. The new update for the mobile apps also added improved voice chats where you can adjust the volume for individual participants. They also improved the audio player and added greeting stickers for new contacts that join Telegram. You can now also report fake channels and Telegram for Android gets new sleeker animations.