Android 11 was launched in September last year and smartphone companies are slowly enrolling their devices to their respective UI’s based off Google’s latest mobile operating system.
Realme now joins the bandwagon with the announcement that they are rolling out Realme UI 2.0 beta to a few devices. Only the realme X50 Pro runs the stable Android 11-based Realme UI 2.0 build.
The Chinese smartphone company enrolled testers for its beta build for the realme 6, realme C15, realme C12, realme X2, relame X3 and realme X3 SuperZoom. The first three devices are available in Kenya through realme’s official retail channels.
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If you haven’t registered yet, head over to Settings > Software Update > Settings(Gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen) > Trial Version > Apply Now
Once you are selected, an OTA update will be made available for you to download[3.2GB].
realme C15 Review: Almost Had It
Here’s what you get with the update as seen from the changelog:
- Customization: support third party icons for apps, Dark Mode customizable up to 3 different levels (increasing, medium and light).
- Optimized the Smart Sidebar, with tools that can be customized.
- Optimized the charge of the smartphone at night thanks to AI algorithm in order to preserve battery life.
- System: now it is possible to set the duration of the Do not disturb, added animations for the weather and optimized the automatic brightness.
- Launcher: now you can remove a folder or combine it with another. Also added filters for Drawer, in order to personalize it.
- Security and Privacy: added the System Cloner which allows you to create a fully customizable parallel micro-system. Added the function App Lock in Quick Settings. Permission management has been optimized, with the possibility of enabling a certain permit only once.
- Games: added immersive mode to reduce noise while in session. Added game stats, and you can change the way to call the Game Assistant.
- Communication: now you can share the hotspot via QR Code.
- Photos: added the Cloud Sync which allows you to secure your photos even on the cloud. Optimized the photo editing with updated algorithms and added new filters.
- Camera: added shortcut for the instant sharing or for editing photos or videos. Optimized it zoom. Added on detection of spots on the lenses. Added level and grid function to record videos.