Late November WhatsApp was rumored to be testing the ability of Voice Notes as statuses. This is no longer a rumor as WhatsApp for Android beta version has brought Voice Status updates to some beta users, allowing them to upload vanishing audio, which will disappear after 24 hours.
The ability to share voice notes via status updates is available for some lucky beta testers after installing the latest beta from the Google Play Store, and it is rolling out to even more users over the coming weeks.
There will also be an option to delete the voice recording before uploading, similar to how users can discard the recorded voice note before sending it to someone.
The privacy settings meant for video or photo Statuses apply to the voice-based ones too. So, the Voice Statuses will be end-to-end encrypted and users will be able to choose the people they want to share them with.
It is also suggested that users will be able to share a voice note of up to 30 seconds. Although, there’s no word on when this will reach the stable users. Considering the testing has begun, this could happen soon. In addition to this, WhatsApp is also testing the ability to block people directly via the chat list or message notification.
Although these are amazing updates we think lengthening the duration of the video status is what should be a priority, in this era of short content creation an audio of 30 seconds sounds like a thing of the past! WhatsApp is ‘Private app’ so I guess it’s a small circle enhancement.