On their M-Pesa account, a person close to you may elect you as next of kin. In the unfortunate event that they pass on, you are eligible to claim the funds available in their M-Pesa account.
Next of kin is a term used to describe a person’s closest living blood relative whom Safaricom may contact in case of any eventuality.
M-Pesa deposits may also be claimed by a legal representative.
A legal representative means a person who is authorized to deal with the estate of a deceased person.
This person may be authorized through appointment under a will or by right and thereafter application to a court as per the law.
In addition to the loss of life, you can claim funds in the event a loved one is mentally incapacitated.
Next of Kin Ignorant of M-Pesa Deposits
Unlike other unclaimed assets in the financial markets, mobile deposits have not received much attention. In fact, most consumers fail to claim monies sitting in their relatives’ mobile money accounts in case they pass on.
Yet, M-Pesa deposits are financial assets similar to assets left by deceased persons in banks, Saccos, and insurance companies. This is mainly because relatives of the deceased are ignorant of M-Pesa and mainly assume the balance to be minimal.
However, with the increased subscriber base for Safaricom and frequent usage of mobile money, the figure can be significant for some users.
For example, in 2015, the Telco reported it had Ksh 500 million that had been lying idle for 2 years on M-Pesa accounts.
Indeed, with the growth of M-Pesa year on year, this figure must be much higher.
Here is what you should know to make a claim for funds left on M-Pesa.
Documentation Needed to Make Claim
A number of documents are needed for one to successfully make a claim. Indeed, this is no surprise given the sensitive nature of finance and more so of death.
In addition, Safaricom requires the claimant to physically visit one of their retail centres with the documents.
These are prerequisites before funds are released.
The ID of the claimant: This is the national ID of the person claiming the deceased funds.
Death Certificate: This is a government document that proves that the owner of the M-Pesa account is deceased.
Statutory Declaration (Affidavit): A document witnessed by an advocate commissioner for oaths stating certain facts including the claimant’s relation to the deceased.
Grant of Letters of Administration (interstate): This is a legal document obtained from any probate & administration court.
The same is issued after the court is satisfied that a person can act as a legal representative to the estate of a deceased person who did not leave a will appointing a personal representative.
Grant of Probate: This is a legal document issued by the court to an executor of the estate of a deceased person who left a will providing for what should happen to his estate and further appointing a personal representative (executor).
The appointed person will go to court with the will and supporting documents and obtains a Grant of Probate.
Confirmation of Grant of Probate or Confirmation of Grant of Letters of Administration: This is a document issued by a court naming the beneficiaries and documenting their entitlement to portions of the estate of the deceased.
Letter from the Provincial administration: This is a letter from the chief, DC, or PC confirming certain details about the deceased person and his beneficiaries.
The confirmation will include the full names of the deceased, the area where the deceased was from, and ALL the persons who are beneficiaries of the estate of the deceased.
Follow this Process as Claimant:
As a next if Kin claimant, Safaricom will require you to physical produce the following at a retail centre:
• Your National identification Card;
• Deceased person’s death certificate;
• A Statutory declaration (Affidavit); and
• Letter from provincial administration or
• Confirmation of Grant of Letters of Administration (interstate) or
• Confirmation of Grant of Probate
Once this is done, the Telco will have officially been notified that a subscriber has passed on. Hence, their next step will be to freeze the M-Pesa account. This is a precaution to protect the estate of the deceased.
Furthermore, it prevents the account from being used for any form of transaction.
Thereafter, Safaricom will move to validate the documents provided. In the event that all is in order, funds from M-Pesa will be transferred to the entitled beneficiaries.
However, beneficiaries must also have M-Pesa accounts. Safaricom does not pay out funds using any other money transfer platform.
Next of Kin Claims Categories
The documentation needed to make claims may vary depending on the amount that is available on the deceased person’s M-Pesa account.
Here is the breakdown.
i. Amount between 1 – 30,000
• A duly filled Safaricom next of kin claims form
• Original Death Certificate
• Valid identification by the claimant i.e. Alien ID, National ID, Valid Passport or Military ID
• A Claimant should present either of the below:
a) Affidavit (identifying the claimant) and Letter from chief/Assistant Chief OR
b) Letter from Deputy County Commissioner or County Commissioner OR
c) Letter from Public Trustee OR
d) Letters of Administration/Grant of Probate
ii. Amount between 1 – 200,000
• Duly filled Safaricom next of kin claims form
• Death Certificate
• Original Registration document of Claimant i.e. Alien ID, National ID, Valid Passport or Military ID
• Letter from either of the below:
a) Deputy County Commissioner or County Commissioner OR
b) Public Trustee OR
c) Letters of Administration/Grant of Probate
iii. Amount above 200,000
• Duly filled Safaricom next of kin claims form
• Death Certificate
• Original Registration document of Claimant i.e. Alien ID, National ID, Valid Passport or Military ID
• Letters of Administration/Grant of Probate
Documents to make Claim due to Mental Incapacity
• Court Order
• Original Registration document of Claimant
• Original Registration document of the Incapacitated customer
Documents to make a Claim due to Mental Incapacity
- Court Order
- Original Registration document of Claimant
- Original Registration document of the Incapacitated customer
Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA)
Safaricom operates the M-PESA mobile money transfer service that allows its customers to send and receive money through their registered mobile phones.
In the event funds are not claimed, Safaricom has an obligation to hand them to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA).
Funds can be unclaimed in M-Pesa if a subscriber passes on and no one claims the funds.
Secondly, when a Safaricom line is abandoned with funds in the M-Pesa account.When this happens, Safaricom archives the M-Pesa account and puts the line back into circulation.
Funds in accounts of the deceased and archived lines due to abandonment are held for a period of 2 years from the date of archiving. Thereafter, Safaricom shall submit the archived funds to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority.
Upon receiving the money, the authority is expected to launch a fresh search for owners of the assets or their heirs where they are deceased.
One can also claim the funds directly from the authority.
However, once Safaricom hands over the funds to UFAA, they cannot reimburse any next of kin claims.
Set Your Next of Kin
Before all of this, remember to set your next of kin on your M-Pesa. Do this by dialing the USSD *234#. Secondly, select My Mpesa Information followed by Next of Kin.
Do this so that your money is transferred to your beneficiaries smoothly in case you pass on.